Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Sunday, March 18, 2007

More e-flyers, if you want 'em



If you want to use the largest versions of these flyers (which I recommend but were too wide to fit on this here blog body-text area), click them and it'll take you to the Flickr page, where you can select "all size" and get the originals.

Now we can start planning the photo flyers and whatnot, which should be lots of fun.

I'm also going to work on some small buttons and banners to put on web sites and blogs and MySpace pages and whatnot.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Nashville Zombie Walk

I was reading on their myspace page and group about what they are planning to do and what time, etc. They are having a registration period before the walk - apparently from 5-6 from what I could gather from the posts on the myspace group. I'm not certain the purpose except to gauge how many zombies are participating. Does this seem like something we ought to do? I'm thinking not.

I have to say, even in the early stages of planning, we seem a LOT more organized than the Nashville group - they aren't even looking into getting a permit or anything like that.

So - basically, it's on Saturday, April 7th from about 5-6 or so onwards at Riverfront Park in downtown Nashville.

Basically - my point is to say, that I believe that Nashville is NOT the group we want to follow. Chattanooga and others seem much better.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Zombie Movie Night
Monday, March 12th
6:30 p.m.
(or whenever you can make it)
Dawn of the Dead
followed by
Shawn of the Dead
898 South Cox Street
(between Oliver & Nelson)
Drag your reanimated corpse on over!

Friday, March 2, 2007

Memphis Zombies website

Planning for the future of the website - what kinds of things will need to be included?

We mentioned the following:
  • Route Map
  • Rules of Conduct
  • Why We are Doing This
  • Links (I would like a much larger and better organized collection of links than what is present now.)
I am sure there is other stuff I am missing. Just want thoughts, suggestions, critiques...

So, Zombie research?

Does anyone have any suggestions for where a beginner might find good information about Zombies? Like, how one becomes a Zombie, characteristics of a Zombie, etc.? I am, admittedly, not NEARLY as knowledgeable as most in this group on Zombies (though I have seen Cemetery Man - as I have said ad nauseum).

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Communication with Nashville and Chattanooga

Hey guys. I messaged back and forth with Nashville and Chattanooga last night. I'm just going to copy our emails below, so you can read them yourselves. They were both very nice. Chattanooga really encouraged making sure all municipal bases are covered.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Sarah Date: Feb 28, 2007 4:52 PM
Hey Nashville Zombie Walk planners. My name is Sarah, and I just wanted to say hello. We're planning a Zombiewalk here in Memphis on May 25th, and we'd love any advice you have to give at this point. Is this Nashville's first Zombiewalk? We're hoping to come up to Nashville for your walk in April. Anyway, Arghhhh, brains. . . Memphis Zombie Sarah

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Nashville Zombie Walk Date: Feb 28, 2007 5:13 PM
This is the first one I'm planning, but some people have told me about smaller ones with 12 or so people.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Sarah Date: Feb 28, 2007 5:19 PM
Wow. That would be pretty small. We're hoping for a bit more than that, but I guess it doesn't take many zombies to make an impact, huh. I think a bunch of us will come up in April. I'm sure we can help out if you need. Are you planning your walk in conjunction with any event? If you'd prefer email to myspace messages, you can email me back at We've just put up our own zombiewalk myspace page over at

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Nashville Zombie Walk Date: Feb 28, 2007 7:08 PM
There were some people trying to put together a show for during the day before the zombie walk, but we haven't gotten it all together or confirmed yet.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Sarah Date: Feb 28, 2007 7:57 PM
Hey Chattanooga Zombie Walk planners. Sarah, here, from Memphis. We are planning a Zombiewalk here for the same night as yours. I think we're going to try to head to Nashville for thier zombie walk in April, so maybe we'll get to meet up with you guys then. Anyway, it looks like you've been planning your walk a bit longer than we have. I'd love any advice or ideas you have. Arghhh . . . Brains . . . Memphis Zombie Sarah

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Chattanooga Zombie Walk '07 Date: Feb 28, 2007 5:22 PM
helpful hint 1: Get all your ducks in a row to appease the gods of city hall. If you don't mind could you send that same message to ? just don't mention this email. To have another major Tennessee city doing this on the same night would be awesome Now this could be an idea I will contact Holly @ NZW and see if they would like to do the same thing again there too on may 25th. Now you got my juices flowing. MZW NZW CZW AND KZW on same night? Hmmmmmmmm But yea we can plan a meeting on 4-7 in Nashville and talk it out.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Sarah Date: Feb 28, 2007 8:33 PM
Done. What have you guys done to appease the gods of city hall? That is, specifically, my job, and I'm not sure how to broach the topic and who to broach it with. Did you guys apply for a parade permit, or just call?

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Chattanooga Zombie Walk '07 Date: Feb 28, 2007 7:50 PM
We have 311 call system here I called made reservation for park I wanted and now I am having to "sell it" to committees and boards. My biggest road block is they all say "WHY MAY?"